Thursday, August 14, 2014

Live in the moment.

"Carpe Diem! Seize the day!" Written in 23BC, by a Roman poet named Horace.
2012 years later the phrase was made famous again by an English Professor played by Robin William in Dead Poet’s Society.
This day is all we have. We make ALL our decisions in the NOW.
Will the decisions we make TODAY lead us to better health, prosperity, more time to do the things we want to do with our precious time?
Or will they keep us exactly where we are..... (or even leave us worse off than we were yesterday).

Logic agrees – the past is simply an accumulation of our present-moments (NOW’s).

And the past is over….. done with. Moving right along.
It's what we do RIGHT NOW that can get us into our groove.

Success at anything…..ANYTHING… about recognising your goal as a DESTINATION, claiming it as YOURS and then making a commitment to small and constant improvements until you’ve developed and accumulated skills which allow you to simply reach out and grab it.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

It's time to blog again.......

Sunday always seems to be a day that I wake up and my mind tends to work overtime.  Maybe, just the reflection on the week that was or maybe, the excitement of the week that is coming.... 

So, I came across this little quote... of course it caught my eye because it was such a pretty pink, then the words sunk in and made me think!!! And, yes I do think sometimes!!!!!

My volume in the divine book has had so many different paths.  It has taken me from major downs to extreme highs.  As I sit and reflect, it dawns on me that yes, I created a mirror, and wow do I have so much power that the universe actually knows I exist????  So many questions out there and so many decisions to be made.  

Time to sit, setup a master plan, and more importantly, once that plan is on paper, to follow it step by step.  I am now realizing if you don't see it you cannot believe it and then you will never achieve it....