I have been sick, I got up too late, I don't have time, I am too tired, Nobody is giving me a break..... blah blah blah.....
excuses excuses.....
NO MORE......
Some of those words came out of my mouth during the last couple of weeks, making excuses and losing my reason. So Friday, of all days, I did what I needed to do, got rid of all the things I get up to in a day that are non-productive. I amazed myself at the number of excuses I had every single day. Little things that once lumped together were taking up 3 quarters of my day. My number 1 change, is getting up every morning and first and foremost signing into my Robin Sharma programme. It is called the 30 day life upgrade. This morning the lesson was so apt to the way I was feeling above, and needed to share it and shout it from my social media platform...
We too often use our circumstances and social standing as an excuse to avoid moving forward, my question today as you read through the amazing lesson from Robin Sharma below is this: why don't you use your circumstance and social standing as a REASON rather than an EXCUSE to set goals and achieve them one step at a time, tip toeing if you have to..... but, no matter how small, take that first step.....
We have 40 million reasons for failure and not a single excuse, Ridyard Kipling...
Your life, professionally and personally comes down to your choices and taking personal responsibility for what you don't like. World class people don't make excuses, sure they make mistakes, making mistakes is how you learn, how you grow, but they always learn from those mistakes, they don't keep on repeating them. They keep on moving forward. So today as you go forward and build a world class life, don't make excuses, learn from life. Take responsibility, or APR, Absolute personal responsibility for the way your life looks. And if there is an area that you don't like, ask yourself what have I done to create this, and then set about changing it. You might just have a lot more power than you give yourself credit for.
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